Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
29 Jul 2003

Did you say sausage bending? Again, was it sausage bending, you said?

The difference between these recipes and four star cuisine is simply the quality of the ingredients. Otherwise, it's all playing with food. High cuisine and sausage bending alike is an exercise in putting fingerprints all over the food.

23 Jul 2003

OK. I think that's more than enough time for that last joke.

More funny stuff here, courtesy of me finding a new link that works.

Ah yes, a man-pleasing appetizer. "Yeah, baby - you know how I like it when you put leaf in my beer!"

And while we're talking food related humour, you could also try Candyboots 1974 Weightwatchers Cards. Or just make yourself a sandwich, stand back, and laugh. Laugh, I say - laugh like the wind!

What the hell - while I'm here: these people are funny*. So's this guy. Here's a weblog by some dude from the first mob (or "some bodacious dude" as I believe he's known to his mum).

* Well, they were. Here's what's left.

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