Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
28 Jul 2005

Office Guns
It started in a meeting. We were playing bullshit bingo, and on the third round I thought to myself: "Oh my God! Can't someone just shoot that bastard?" I was getting tired of bullshit bingo and was fingering with some office supplies. As a sworn Lego-fan, I always try to connect things together. I was connecting two Maulies, then suddenly one of them flew across the room and hit the boring speaker right on the nose. He got a nose-bleed and had to stop the presentation early.

Later that week, people came in to thank me. Some even brought chocolate. But most of them wanted to know where I had bought that fabulous gun. I showed them how it was made. They were thrilled and from that day on, we haven't had a single boring presentation.

Quotidian Hell provides this link for the purposes of information only and does not endorse the practise of attacking your co-workers with missiles constructed from office supplies. Although the IT guy better fucking watch himself.

19 Jul 2005

A digest of misheard lyrics.

18 Jul 2005

The Red Button
Just brilliant.

12 Jul 2005

7 Jul 2005

Go here, stare at the little black cross, watch the violet dots disappear. Only the moving green dot is part of the gif - everything else that happens is your braaaiiinnn.

6 Jul 2005

1. Spell with FlickR

2. Strandbeest - Wind-operated moving sculptures

3. Pulp Fiction in 30 seconds as performed by bunnies

4. The Brick Testament - Books of the Bible staged by minifigs

I gotta stop getting these things from just one place. That is sooo lazy.

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