Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
30 Sept 2003

The Power Team
Each crusade is a 5-night event (usually Wed.-Sun.) Each night features 90 minutes of illustrative sermon, Christian drama, and revival, as The Power Team communicates Biblical truths & scripture. They use feats of strength like: breaking baseball bats like twigs, bending horseshoes & steel bars, crushing concrete walls, rip phone books like pieces of paper and many other incredible power demonstrations.
This is why I always go to church when I need any particularly stubborn jar lids opened. Reverend Pasty is a he-man!

The King's Yo-men
I was a nerd in middle school when God gave me the yo-yo. Through it He not only freed me from the chains of nerdom, he gave me a tool to share Christ with my friends.

Each of our skits are done to music (we never speak in the skits) and integrate the yo-yo to add a unique effect.
See, now, our Satanic Outreach Mission have been doing these kind of demonstrations for years. Although, not so much with yo-yos as with kittens.

Found via What Would Kofi Annan Do?* who mentioned the Yo-men in a post and then Jesse from JessePopp.com† made a comment asking Paul at WWKAD‡ about the Power Team and Paul made an answering comment which gave the relevant link, so, really, it was a team effort, and that's always important.

* defunct
† defunct
‡ still just as defunct as it was at the beginning of this sentence

A while ago I mentioned caffeinated soup. Barring the usual mispellings, the geeks are way ahead of me.
Tired of waking up and having to wait for your morning java to brew? ... Shower Shock is an all vegetable based glycerine soap ... each bar of Shower shock contains approximately 12 servings/showers per 4 ounce bar with 200 milligrams of caffeine per serving.

29 Sept 2003

That Colin S. Barrow is a fucking genius!

26 Sept 2003

25 Sept 2003

Apparently the Iraqis aren't the only people who have to worry about museum looting.
When van Leeuwen's home was raided in March this year, officers were taken aback, discovering "in all corners of his house and in an outside shed and several large chest freezers, thousands of zoological specimens, including skulls, skeletons, skins and complete animal specimens in alcohol".
I used to know a guy who worked at the Australian Museum in Sydney. He told me how they had a collection of clapped out stuffed animal specimens they would take around to show at schools. Occasionally, if bored enough, they'd go out to the staff carpark and play cricket with them - an ancient Sugar Glider would serve as the bat.

Apropos of that: for a while at the museum they had a live crocodile in a small tank. They started to notice that whenever someone walked past the tank, the croc would go into a frenzy. They had no idea why it was doing this, until someone caught the janitor savagely poking the crocodile with his broom handle. It seems this guy would spend a few minutes engaged in this hobby every time his rounds took him past the tank, for no other reason than because, apparently, he really hated crocodiles.

19 Sept 2003

World's Oldest Genitals Belong to Fossilized Spider

Hey, tell us something we don't know.

World's Largest Rodent Discovered: Buffalo-Sized Guineapig

I'm always skeptical about these reports. You wouldn't believe how many times it actually turned out to be a guineapig-sized buffalo.

18 Sept 2003

Goddamn Blogger. It keeps eating the archives, so I have to keep republishing them. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Archives, schmarchives - stop living in the past." You obviously don't recognise the unavoidable temporal paradox involved in such a remark!

Oh dear. I look to the world for inspiration and it replies - "Hey, Fletch, if you expect us to come up with something funny just because you can't, then we recommend you staple your eyelids to your forehead and get back to us." Yeah, like I'm going to fall for that again.

12 Sept 2003

I don't believe anything I say. I express opinions solely for the pleasure of drawing people out. Then, knowing where they stand, and where their prejudices lie, I can either laugh at them, protect them, or entertain them as the mood takes me.

Incidentally, what I just said in the above paragraph also applies to my relation to the paragraph itself.

10 Sept 2003

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