The Power TeamEach crusade is a 5-night event (usually Wed.-Sun.) Each night features 90 minutes of illustrative sermon, Christian drama, and revival, as The Power Team communicates Biblical truths & scripture. They use feats of strength like: breaking baseball bats like twigs, bending horseshoes & steel bars, crushing concrete walls, rip phone books like pieces of paper and many other incredible power demonstrations.
This is why I always go to church when I need any particularly stubborn jar lids opened. Reverend Pasty is a
he-man! The King's Yo-menI was a nerd in middle school when God gave me the yo-yo. Through it He not only freed me from the chains of nerdom, he gave me a tool to share Christ with my friends.
Each of our skits are done to music (we never speak in the skits) and integrate the yo-yo to add a unique effect.
See, now, our Satanic Outreach Mission have been doing these kind of demonstrations for years. Although, not so much with yo-yos as with kittens.
Found via
What Would Kofi Annan Do?* who mentioned the Yo-men in a post and then Jesse from† made a comment asking Paul at
WWKAD‡ about the Power Team and Paul made an answering comment which gave the relevant link, so, really, it was a team effort, and that's always important.
* defunct
† defunct
‡ still just as defunct as it was at the beginning of this sentence