Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
16 Jan 2004

Another collection of hoary old links (what we have been amusing ourselves with, don't you know):

The Bastard Operator from Hell

SkyHigh Airlines

Let Them Sing It for You

Some Wacky Japanese Flash

Turkey and Gravy Flavoured Soda Shortage

Finnish Cello-playing Metal Band

Fanta Shokata


Coffee-flavoured Steak

Website Mixmaster

Those Climatology Essays

Friends Wrap Olympia Man's Apartment in Foil

A Dancing Purple Hippo

Hardly worth stopping by, was it?

I also note in passing the adbot's desperate attempt to stay relevant:

Christians Online
Meet other Christians Online
Read Christian Articles and News
Pirate Goth Fashion
Skull & Crossbones Gothic Fashion Tees,
Tank-tops, Baby Dolls & More

Heh heh heh.