Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
12 Feb 2004

A friend of mine once wrote a piece about his dismay in discovering the great work of Albert Camus and then just as quickly discovering the man was dead. I feel that way about only just finding out about this now defunct site:

There are a number of people who have opinions that don't quite fit the norm. Because of this, they aren't welcome in many places. This is where they exercise their right to speak, where the dreams of tomorrow take flight today.

This site is aimed at middle class white male professionals - the sort of people who have been sadly sidelined by today's victim culture, and the domination of homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who have all risen up with their discrimination laws and 'equality' to sadly control the media agenda.

These people are not welcome here. This is where we make a stand. This is where we fight back.

This site is also squarely aimed at the marginalised of society -- homosexuals, geeks, amputees, racial minorities and Canadians, who remain in a state of oppression, kept down by the dominant white male patriarchy and by insufficiently rigorous 'discrimination' laws and the corporate media.

These people are welcome here. This is where we make a stand. This is where we fight back.

Controversial opinions, passionately held. We Are Adequacy.org.
For starters check out:
Is Your Son A Computer Hacker?

Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War. It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by Microsoft for the US government. These programs are used by hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as "telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the internet without using a telephone.

From Kids To Commies: The Truth About Daycare

The truth about daycare is that daycare centers are not the "caring, nurturing" environments that they and their defenders claim they are. Daycare centers are liberal slaughterhouses of the mind. And I can prove it.

Victoria, BC: Potemkin Village of the Frozen North

Geographically, The People's Republic of Canada is the second largest nation on earth, but its population is a scant 35 million. As 17% of the country consists of inhospitable permafrost and an astonishing 54% is untamed forest that the Canadians are too lazy to fell in the name of progress, 85% of these unfortunate, pale pink skinned savages make their living within 200 miles of the USian border.

Electronica: The threat to our youth

Fact: Electronica is designed to be addictive

A little known fact is that dance music is played at a tempo which corresponds to human brain waves, causing addictive effects similar to cocaine in listeners. No wonder people become so addicted to the "lifestyle" that goes with dance music; after several exposures to the basslines they cannot help themselves. This is especially pernicious when combined with the savagely addictive effects of the drugs teenagers are exposed to at clubs.
Particularly amusing are the comments left by people who don't get the joke. Or maybe they do get the joke, but are heaping irony on irony. I mean, seriously, do any of us even fucking know or care any more!?


And just to prove that we aren't only about the yocks, go to Online Visual Thesaurus, type in "light" and be at peace.