Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
9 Mar 2004

More Laboured Internet Irony
Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew knows history because his family lived it!

Hopsiah lives in the Middle East, where his ancestors and those of all the other animals and humans alive today exited Noah's Ark 4,000 years ago.

But unlike the other Kangaroos who hopped to Australia, Hopsiah's family stayed behind to witness the coming of the Messiah!
This is an extremely well-designed and professional parody site with a large amount of diverse and amusing content. It gets Quotidian Hell's Patented Three Bleats of Approval. Meah! Meah! Meah! Seriously, tho': do check it out.

And the usual chaff

Kung Fu Remix
Some Flash fun.

Vector Park
Some Flash strangeness.

Gum Blondes
Portraits made from chewing gum.

The History of the Yeti Penguin-bashing Game
This looks quite interesting. Read it for me and confirm.

Things this guy and his girlfriend have argued about.