Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
20 May 2004

The Datadoctor (Some Swedish Geek Humour)
How to Defraggle your Motherdisc


Now we will the discs inside of the mother disc. Very often they'll need some force to come off, but if you pry gently with some datachisels, it'll will work out for the best.


Now it's time for the main event, the data defraggling. As You know, all "1's" and "0's" are small moveable magnetic figures placed in the disc. As our problem is that there is some kind of a traffic jam on the disc, we will now place them small pieces in order again. The ultimate way to go is to use an ordinary speaker ... Put the disc carefully on top of the speaker. Be sure not do any violent moves, we don't want the magnetic pieces to go beezerk.