Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
24 Apr 2005

First off, go look at this optical illusion.

Cool, eh?

Anyhoo, while searching for museums of medical history I compiled this list of somewhat interesting sites:

Anatomical plates from the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

The Brain Museum
Images and information from one of the world's largest collection of well-preserved, sectioned and stained brains of mammals.

Images exploring the Relationship of Science and Culture

The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices Online

Museum of the History of Science (Florence)

Museum of the History of Science (Oxford)

Museum of Hoaxes

Smithsonian Institution

Index of Medieval Medical Images

History of Ancient Medicine

National Library of Medicine
Some great exhibitions including Visual Culture and Public Health Posters. (This last via the Nonist, which is why I was looking in the first place.)