Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
28 Mar 2006

Frank Bennett

You need to lounge more.

26 Mar 2006

One of the bizarre things about the 'net is the number of on-line comics. Sorry, actually one of the bizarre things about the web is the number of on-line comics set in multiplayer gaming environments. Be that as it may, below is an eclectic selection of the stuff what's out there. All complaints about the lack of humourousness in any of these strips should be directed to the Papal Commission of Sacred Archaeology, The Vatican, Vatican City - no cranks.

Penny Arcade


The Parking Lot is Full

Chopping Block

Get Your War On!



Lore Brand Comics

Red Meat

Toothpaste for Dinner

Diesel Sweeties

Clip Clop

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Alien Loves Predator

Men In Hats

A Softer World

White Ninja Comics

Dr Fun

Sluggy Freelance

A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible

Mac Hall

Dinosaur Comics

Able and Baker

Hate Song

The Adventures of Dr McNinja

Awkward Pause




I guess Bristow isn't technically an online comic. Bite me.

25 Mar 2006

Ruthless Reviews Compendium of Eighties Action Flicks

Rated in terms of Corpse Count, Stupid Political Content and Homoeroticism.

23 Mar 2006

20 Mar 2006

Geoffrey Chaucer Hath A Blog

Pretty funny. Could be more historically accurate and thereby less funny.

19 Mar 2006

Interview with Alan Moore in Mile High Comics' The Beat: Part One Part Two

17 Mar 2006

The results of a Google search for "Fuck the Irish" aren't remotely as interesting as one would hope; mostly stuff from American college football fans.

Fuck American college football fans.

16 Mar 2006

OK, just one more - Jaws remixed as a Disneyesque adventure film about two guys and their lovable wildlife friend: Must Love Jaws.

Via Hey Jenny Slater.

14 Mar 2006

13 Mar 2006

An interactive version of Art Kane's Harlem 1958 jazz portrait.
He figured he would contact every major jazz musician in New York to show up on 126th street in Harlem at 10am to take a group portrait. Getting jazz musicians anywhere together at 10am seemed impossible, but to everyone's surprise 57 musicians showed up. It was Art Kane's first professional photograph.
Via Happy Furry Puppy Time.

12 Mar 2006

Overheard in Chicago

...joins London, New York and Houston.

Via Barista.

11 Mar 2006

The Covers Project
We're building a database of cover songs (songs RECORDED by an artist other than the original ARTIST) with the intention of creating cover "chains." A cover chain is a set of songs in which each RECORDING is a cover of a RECORDING by the ARTIST who covered the preceding song.
Damn! I was gonna do a whole mix-tape like that. Yet another great idea some other fucker beat me to because I was too fucking lazy to act on it. Just like the "Think-tank adjunct scholars decry the left-wing bias in Reality" joke. I thought of that gag in 19-fucking-99, years before the Suskind article. But did I go public? Noooo. Now every fucker's doing it and all I've got is an unfinished web project last updated in 2002, which I can't update further because it would destroy the proof of the primacy of my claim.

Incidentally, while it was mostly laziness, I was also stymied by a) having nowhere to host the bastard and b) the fact that right-wing thinktanks rapidly became impossible to parody. And then there was the whole lack of talent thing.

Sorry for all the sailor-talk. But god DAMN.

10 Mar 2006

The Truth About El Nino

Via... well, I found it at Creek Running North. Let's not get all Six Degrees about it.

7 Mar 2006

The system looks in the Web for images related to those words, and takes them as input to generate an ambiguous painting, in perpetual change, where elements fuse into one another, in a process analogous to memory and free association.


The drawing itself is produced by 1500 autonomous particles in perpetual movement. The last image loaded serves as a sort of virtual terrain for them. The direction and speed of each particle is given, at each step, by the color values of the pixel they are stepping on. Different sets of formulas translate the hue, saturation and brightness of the pixel in angle and velocity values for the particle. The path of each particle is traced to the screen, and this forms the output seen by the user.
Well, if you say so. It's darned interesting, at any rate.

6 Mar 2006

Massively Multiplayer Pong Game
Internet's Smallest Pong Game

Via Crooked Timber. I ain't linking, they get plenty traffic. Oh, OK, but only for this one:

Gender Signs

3 Mar 2006

According to NetState, twelve U.S. states have an official dinosaur (with South Dakota and Wyoming both claiming ownership of the Triceratops), nine have an official dog-breed (what in God's name is a Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog?), two have an official doughnut (although the Massachusettsians can't spell it), and the Confederate Air Force patrolled the skies of Texas right up until 2002.

1 Mar 2006

An Amazon list of Authors with Unfortunate Names.

Via Sterne.

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