Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
14 Jul 2006

Star Wars in Paris

Airborne Cats

Office Environment to Libertine Adamite Society Flyer - (Some Moderate Cartoon Nudity)
This small, sixteen-page pamphlet is produced to put inside the postage-paid, business-reply envelopes that come with junk mail offers.
The person I got this from described it as a Project Mayhem leaflet, which makes sense.

When Nixon Met Elvis: Official National Archives Site | National Security Archive Site

Giant Microbes - Plush diseases. Cute as!

Yeah, those last two are pretty old, and I have a sneaking suspicion I've posted them before, but as BlogSearch utterly sucks I can't be sure. The first three have been lazily gleaned from my usual source (a discussion board I hang around).