Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
4 Mar 2007

Google Sightseeing, for all your cool & strange stuff on Google Maps needs. The new shots from the Australia Day flyover of Sydney are up, replacing the old deeply-shadowed afternoon* cityscape with a well-lit if weirdly distorted patchwork. Google Sightseeing were intrigued by the "Sex and Death" topiary near the Botanical Gardens glasshouse, but that's not an Australia Day stunt since it's been there for yonks.

It seems overall there were less stunts than Google were probably hoping for.

* Unless it was early morning - now I can't bloody remember which way the shadows were pointing. [At which point I had the rather obvious idea of checking those parts of the satellite photo which haven't changed, and determined that the shadows are indeed pointing to the south-west, making it a morning shot.]

Via Crooked Timber.