Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
18 Mar 2007

On Youtube, the Channel Four documentary The Secret Life of Brian about the making of the film and the controversy surrounding it. Includes parts of the Friday Night, Saturday Morning debate. I don't know if the whole debate is available somewhere, but you can watch the whole of the Not the Nine O'Clock News send-up.

One of the things that's always amused me about the "Is Life of Brian blasphemous?" question (and the rather less frequently asked "And should we give a toss if it is?") was how religious critics completely missed how much of the film was spent sending up lefties. ("Splitters!" "I'm not oppressing you, Stan - you haven't got a womb!" "Calls for a new motion!") But then I don't remember anti-imperialists protesting the flick because of the "What have the Romans ever done for us?" sketch, so perhaps that's why they failed to notice.

H/t Dennis Perrin.