On Youtube, the Channel Four documentary
The Secret Life of Brian about the making of the film and the controversy surrounding it. Includes parts of the
Friday Night, Saturday Morning debate. I don't know if the whole debate is available somewhere, but you
can watch the whole of the
Not the Nine O'Clock News send-up.
One of the things that's always amused me about the "Is
Life of Brian blasphemous?" question (and the rather less frequently asked "And should we give a toss if it is?") was how religious critics completely missed how much of the film was spent sending up lefties. ("Splitters!" "I'm not oppressing you, Stan - you haven't got a womb!" "Calls for a new motion!") But then I don't remember anti-imperialists protesting the flick because of the "What have the Romans ever done for us?" sketch, so perhaps that's why they failed to notice.
H/t Dennis Perrin.