Quotidian Hell 
Look what The Internet hath brought us today...
12 Jul 2008

In early May, the Top 100 list was mentioned on the front page of Zaman, a Turkish daily newspaper closely aligned with Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen. Within hours, votes in his favor began to pour in. His supporters - typically educated, upwardly mobile Muslims - were eager to cast ballots not only for their champion but for other Muslims in the Top 100. Thanks to this groundswell, the top 10 public intellectuals in this year’s reader poll are all Muslim. The ideas for which they are known, particularly concerning Islam, differ significantly. It’s clear that, in this case, identity politics carried the day.
Right, so "Top Public Intellectual" is just like Eurovision.

Full List

Amusing to see that Orientalist idiot Bernard Lewis get beaten by ten Muslims and Noam Chomsky (and Al Gore). Not so amusing to see him ranked so high.

Stephen Colbert was most popular write-in candidate. My five picks came 12th, 52nd, 31st (just edging out the Pope), 14th and 45th respectively - go TEAM!

Via Goatmilk.